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  • Writer's pictureEsther Jerera

Navigating the Uncharted Territory of Deceased Estates: A Professional Guide for Uncertain Times

Updated: 2 days ago

In life, we often find ourselves navigating through familiar landscapes, but when it comes to dealing with deceased estates, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. The intricacies and sensitivities surrounding deceased estates can be overwhelming, particularly during times of mourning and uncertainty. Understanding this process is crucial for a seamless transition of assets in the face of such challenges.

Understanding Deceased Estates

A deceased estate is a term that refers to the assets, liabilities, and possessions left behind by an individual after their passing. The provisions of how a deceased estate is administered are detailed in the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01] which is the primary source of legislation in Zimbabwe relating to the administration of estates of deceased persons. Navigating through the legal and financial implications of a deceased estate can be daunting, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the process.

Challenges and Considerations

One of the primary challenges of managing a deceased estate is understanding the complex web of legal requirements and financial obligations. Executors of the estate are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the deceased's assets are distributed according to the deceased will and in compliance with the law.

Another critical consideration when dealing with deceased estates is the emotional toll it can take on the family members and loved ones left behind. Grieving the loss of a family member while also managing the logistics of an estate can be an overwhelming experience.

Professional Guidance in Uncertain Times

Seeking professional guidance when navigating the complexities of deceased estates can provide clarity and peace of mind during turbulent times. Estvis Consultancy offers invaluable expertise and support throughout the process.

The Role of an Executor

A deceased estate administrator (Executor) plays a vital role in ensuring that the legal and financial aspects of a deceased estate are handled with precision and expertise.

The Master issues the appointed executor with letters of administration which authorize the executor to carry out administration of the estate. From working closely with the Master and the beneficiaries to the estate, the Executor will determine the wealth of the deceased estate, determine the beneficiaries of the estate and their entitlement to the estate according to the law. It is the duty of the executor to prepare Interim distribution and liquidation accounts for approval by the Master, if approved the executor will proceed to gazette the account for all stakeholders to see.

If there are no objections the executor will proceed to settle all debts if any, distribute the remaining estate assets to the beneficiaries and submit proof of such distribution to the Master of the High Court.

Embracing Transparency and Communication

Effective communication and transparency are key components of successfully navigating deceased estates. Keeping all involved parties informed and involved in the process can help mitigate misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise during estate administration.


Dealing with a deceased estate is a complex and emotionally charged process that requires careful navigation and professional guidance. Whether you are a surviving spouse, beneficiary, or involved party in a deceased estate, remember that professional guidance and open communication are invaluable assets in navigating the uncharted terrain of deceased estates. Embrace the support available to you and approach this process with patience and understanding.

Get in touch with us for professional guidance on the complexities of deceased estates and allow us to empower you to navigate this unfamiliar territory with confidence.

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